Of books and caffeine

I have mentioned before that I used to not drink coffee. Up to the point where I will only drink as courtesy - that is when visiting friends and relatives and they happen to serve coffee. 

Now here I am, at Starbucks, with a single shot Caramel Machiatto and a pump of vanilla syrup. I have my laptop on my lap, and on the 2 feet square table in front of me scattered notes and a novel. Been here for almost 3 hours now, alternating from reading the novel to going through the notes and finalising my assignment, and chatting on Skype (which consists of a couple of lines every half an hour). All the time listening to The Cranberries with my earplugs. 

The usual quietness of Starbucks has been replaced by the weekend crowd. I cant remember it being so loud the jazz music drowned in conversation (thus prompting me to put on my earplugs). Then again it's probably because I almost always come here with another friend, and our conversation joins together with the rest of the patron coming here. 

Really, I came here to have a quiet time. I got the opposite, but who can really complain. Glancing up from my notes every now and then to see a new face can be a good distraction. 

One of the things I promised I'd buy myself for my birthday is a Starbucks tumbler. Whatever design comes during which is fine by me. Considering I'd be spending a lot more time here, I'd say it's a good investment. 

Well, I suppose this particular entry has not quite a purpose. I just wanted to write something. The next one's gonna be better.. I promise. XD