Hot straw??!!

So y'all have been to Starbucks right? and McDonalds? Y'all have ordered hot drinks there yeah? Then they give you the flat straw thingy right? well me and my friend had a good row over this - 3 times - once at Starbucks and twice at McDonalds, laughing our heads off about a plastic stick!

What am I talking about? This  ==========================>

I always went for Fraps when I go to Starbucks, but lately I find the Hot Chocolate quite addictive. My friend would order a Caramel Machiatto. I ritually reached for the flat straw and inserted it into the small inlet where one would opt to sip the cup. 

And then the row began. I started with a question, why don't you use the hot straw to sip your machiatto? He gave me the look that I can only describe in 5 words, "Are you retarded or something?" and did not provide any further reply. We moved on from it, until McDonalds one fateful night (Yeah, dramatic much!!)

Being used to the hot straw, I again inserted it into the lid opening and sip through slowly. Again I asked, and again I got that look (which made me laugh my head off, btw) This time, he said "It is not a straw, it's a stirrer or stirring stick that you use to stir your drinks after putting sugar, cream or milk in."

Perplexed, my only reply and I still stood by it is : It's basically a straw flattened in the middle so that you can have better control over your sipping strength and avoid your mouth from getting burned. Then I continue laughing! If it performs the same function as a straw, then doesn't it deserve the name straw? He, on the other hand, simply nods yeah and I think somewhere in his mind wishes that he wore a shirt that says 'I'm with stupid". ROFLOL!!!

Well, I can safely say that I'll never look at this hot straw as I call it, or stirring stick as he calls it, the same way again. There were so many inuendos used that the argument itself became invalid and instead of a row, we would laugh ourself silly.