
huhuhu... Love is a funny thing... It is the joy of one, and the suffering of another... Its all about giving and taking, and when more than two people is involved (it rarely stays between two people..there's always that another that tips the balance) it gets even more complicated...

Sometimes, from what I've experienced myself and what people shared with me, I wonder.. Who do lovers hurt each other? Is it to test the love between them, or did the love itself became stale and lifeless? If so, then why do our parents stayed together for so long and still stayed strong?

and what happens if lovers suddenly had to choose between each other, family or friends, or careers etc? Which should come first? Should any be more important than the others? Is there a right for one to ask the other of the ranking of importance between love, family, friendship and career?

Sometimes love struck at awkward time, or awkward place, or between impossible people... What do we do when the love of our life can only give as much as friendship back? Do we accept, or do we force? Or do we back off form their lives and nurse our heart?

And then there's also the so called "blind love"... One side is not just prepared, but has been sacrificing time, effort and money to support the other and yet, all of that goes unappreriated. . us as bystanders are caught in between, always hoping to be there when the tears fall or anger broke...

It all goes back to friendship - and I wonder are we prepared if such trials and tribulations of love crosses our paths? Would our friends be there to support us, or would they betray us and leave? and if this ever happens to our friends, would we be able to support them?

Ah well...can't really wonder too much about love and all that... Its too abstract... but we still need it, since we're humans... a penny for your thought?