How blogging change me..

Hey everyone.. It has been quite some time since my last post.. I've been a little too occupied with the real world that I neglected my online presence. So I've taken some time to myself, owing the chance to my parents who went away and leaving the whole house to myself (slumber party..??!!) 

Today, a little change of tone. I'd like to share my experience of being a blogger to my readers - you! Without whom I would not have the motivation to even write! So, near or far, next door neighbours, a phone call away or across the sea in another continent, thank you! 

I am, at the moment, unemployed. So when I meet new people (which I do almost on a weekly basis), if asked "where do you work" or "what do you do", I say I'm a blogger. Its interesting because a "blogger" is yet to be a socially accepted "professional career". Maybe not yet, but quite a number of us are building up our own presence in our own way to create and join in on opportunities to make a few bucks on the side!

Now when I say "quite a number of us", I do mean that there is in fact a society. The could be a number of societies out there that gather bloggers together, and locally in Sarawak, the society is aptly named Sarawak Bloggers Society. It was through this channel that I became friends with awesome likeminded people such as Cyril (read his blog here) and Dinah (her blog here), Garner (link), Lindy (link), Ophelia (link), Kak Tia (link), Aliey (link) Ana (link) and celebrity blogger Jian Goh (link) ~I'll have you know I took care of his bag in a certain world music festival once~ BWAAAHAHAHAHA!! Owh and lets not forget this awesome dude (whom I've personally never met but felt like I've known him all my life) Aliff (link).

So, what changes have I gone through as part of the blogger community, do you ask? Excitement! Adventure! Experience! Opportunities! I knew these words as just words before, but being part of a like-minded community brings forth a new perspective on them, and with that a different reaction and response! Although I may not blog about everything, but just the thought "owh this could be an interesting blog post" makes you wanna take whatever you're doing to just one step further! 

There may be periods of time (like..errr....between my last post and now..?) when I became silent, but trust me, the changes take place even then! And right now, I'm looking for even more opportunities! So if you happen to come across my blog and would like to take advantage of it to say... promote a product or your business, have an event you wanna promote or just have a new place to share with everyone, just hit me up! 


  1. Lol!! The taking care of the bag story again?? hahahha XD

    1. Unlike this comment which is already old, that story is gonna be evergreen - just like the colour of the said bag! (eh yakah? I don't even remember the colour of the bag actually..)
