To elaborate, is it smart enough to know that it is in your handbag or pocket, thus ringing at top volume when calls or texts come in? Is it smart enough to know that you purposely put it in silent mode because you're in a meeting so even if it is in your pocket or handbag it would simply vibrate or not ring? Is it smart enough to know that you have a presentation in an hour and turns itself into silent mode? Those are just minor examples - setting the sound profile for different situations. Sure, most manufacturers lets you put you smartphone to silent with a click or a touch of a button or shortcut, but what if you dont have to do anything at all?
If you're the type that uses your phone as your car's radio/entertainment device complete with bluetooth and gps navigation for traffic conditions? I do. I'd have to first turn on the bluetooth, then the media player or radio app on the phone, then turn on the gps and finally have to turn on the navigation app (not necessarily in this order). That's almost 5 minutes time wasted. What if I say that your phone can actually do all of these things without ever leaving your pocket?
Guys, I'm not talking about voice command if that's what you're thinking. We all know how difficult that can be, especially with out local English accent. I'm talking about automating your devices. Let me introduce you to AutomateIt ~ an app available on Google Play (sorry iPhone n iPad users. I'm almost sure that a similar app is in your iTunes store).
The basic idea is this : you set up rules for your smartphone to do a specific task when a condition is triggered. For instance, turn off your wifi / data when you go to sleep at night, or ring at top volume when a specific text is received (very helpful if you keep misplacing your phone), conserve power when battery is low, turn on loudspeaker during call if it is away from your ear etc. get the idea?
Do give this app a go. It's a great addition to making your smartphone even smarter, and if you came up with an awesome rule, share it on the market cuz sharing is caring! Cheers!