No other word I could think of that can truly express my feeling after reading it : just beautiful. Written in a self-reflection mood, where Elio, the main character, goes to question himself and his actions over and over and over again because of his insecurity. It explores the passion of living life and taking in the small things that makes life worth living. What I loved most was how Elio coped with the feeling of abandonment from whom he felt for, his narration of his feelings and hope and desire, his actions and the consequences.
The story tells of a friendship between two young men; Elio, 17 year old, smart, naive, nervous and Oliver, a laid-back and easy-going American. Oliver came to Elio's home as a summer guest as he writes his manuscript. His way of saying Later! in place of goodbye annoys Elio very much as he sees it being void or emotion and left things hanging without closure. As the story progressed however, Elio finds himself remembering Later! more than anything else.
I won't lie, this book is not for everybody. One would have to keep an open mind, and mine isn't as open. What Elio and Oliver did to a peach, for instant, I almost closed the book and shelf it for good. *nope, I'm not gonna tell you what they did to the poor peach. You'll have to read it yourself to find out* But then again, I thought to myself, why waste a book? In any case, I'm lending this to a friend when he finishes with his current one.
The best (and worse) part of a book (like a good movie) was the ending. I find myself reading faster and faster and had to stop and reread a few paragraphs so as to not miss the story. Then I find myself filled with sorrow as the ending comes and the author incorporated an open question that is the title : call me by your name. And to think I almost put this book on the shelf halfway through!!