Android Weather App with a sense of humor

An example of HTC weather widget
Ok let's see a show of hands: How many of y'all out there use weather apps on your phone? HTC users - particularly with Android and Sense UI will know that it has one of the most stunning weather widget for the homescreen - integrated together with the digital flip-clock. There are also a myriad of other apps found on Google Play store that offers weather apps so stunning that some never even looked back to their stock weather widget anymore. 

But get this, what if I tell you, there exist somewhere in the millions of apps in Google Play, you will find a weather widget for your android phone that comes with a friggin sense of humor! Sure you can look out the window to see it's a sunny day or whether or not to bring an umbrella or pack a poncho before leaving the house, but hey, why not have some fun with it? 

FWeather Widget is what I'm talking about. Please mind that the app does use profane language that some find offensive, but for those who can tolerate it and laugh you silly a**es off when you glance at your phone, here's the installation link. 


  1. Obviously downloading this, Krule!
    Thanks for sharing. Hohoho!
