LOL! Coming from a guy, yeap, that is rather uncommon. But a facial treatment is not limited to the ladies. Us gentlemen would also want to put a little effort into it. Just remember, beauty is only skin deep, and however handsome or fair or clear skin one may have, it will fade over time. That being said, I know mine has aged much too fast.
It did tool a minimal coaxing on my part to get my (ehem ehem.. I hope she reads this >.<) significant other to actually sign up for a facial treatment, but we agreed almost a month ago to purchase the Michelle Lazar Antioxidant skin treatment - Facial, Eye and Neck (the last bit was more of a tap-tap on the shoulder but I'll get to it in a bit).
After much procrastination and failed booking because the place - Michelle Lazar - was apparently very popular and is almost always booked - we were finally able to get a slot at 5pm today. I was warned earlier that it would hurt - like h*ll - but I guess it slipped my mind. She warned me again as we went out for lunch and just chilled the afternoon off waiting for the appointment - and I told her that if she, one with a fair skin and small pores (yikes, I'm using the word "pores" now) said that it hurts, I should be in excruciating pain considering I have pores the size of the craters on the moon!
And guys, lemme just tell you this. It f*ckin HURTS like MAD! The beautician was kind enough to sort-of walk me through the process - informing me "I'm going to wash your face now" and "Close your eyes, I'm applying the eye treatment" and so-on. That was nice - enjoyable even, but when she got to the piercing and unblocking the pores, it was nightmare for me! I lost count how many "Ouch!" I let out! (Kinda shows how bad my skin really was.. ~.~"). When I glanced over on her side, at one point I caught her dozing off. Apparently, for someone who was a little reluctant at first seemed to be enjoying herself! HAHA!

All-in-all, it was a good session., and we both agreed to go again if and when we have the time and budget. For me tho, this is one thing to cross off my want-to-do list.
Awesome and interesting article. Great things you've always shared with us. Thanks. Just continue composing this kind of post.
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