I haven't given up totally on the kids of today's generation - nose so deep with their technologies, their iPads and Samsungs, their Facebook and Instagrams, online gaming and such. When I was a kid my mom would practically kick me out of the house to play outside when we wanted to play games on our Nintendo 64 back then. But when I showed my 6 y/o grandson (urghhh.. I feel old) this game I played when I was a kid, he fell in love, dropped his Nintendo DS and entertained himself for a good half an hour trying to pass the levels.
It is what it is, folks, I sh*t you not. A full remake of Super Mario Bros. from Nintendo 65 using HTML5. It's the fifth version of HTML (that's HyperText Markup Language) and provides better multimedia support for browsers on any platform. The aim is to improve the sHTML standard so that it can service more range of multimedia input and output (not only pictures, videos and audios but also animation and interactive media) while maintaining human readability and consistently understood by computers and devices.
I suspect that Full Screen Mario is built to demonstrate the capabilities of HTML5 in handling multimedia support - but regardless of the purpose, it is just simple amazing that someone put up a huge effort in developing it for the web, and best of all, free of charge! You can also choose to donate - say a thank you for their effort. Kudos to the developers!
For those who wanted to reminisce on their childhood memory, or even try to persuade your own kid to play the game you played as a child, give it a go at www.fullscreenmario.com. The game can be played on any browser, does not require any installation and there is no ads or malicious software (think of it as just surfing a site that is interactive). It is possible to play it on your mobile devices given you have a keyboard, but I haven't tested it out yet. If it works, do let me know. If it doesn't, well let me know anyways! Ahahaha!
**P/s : not all kids can appreciate the 8-bit pixelated graphics that is Super Mario. It takes a special breed. My nephews of 10 and 12 both commented "It's like they're not even trying back then." ~.~"