Yesterday was a fun day! The ending tho, was not so much. After a day out with my brother and sister - splurging out shopping for new 2014 wears, I decided - since I've already paid for it - to go to the gym. The thought of going by myself is unnerving - the only reassurance was that it is an exclusive gym and not many people joined. Furthermore, there are two distinct gym facilities - one outdoor for those hardcore muscle builders - the other indoor for the casual fitness.

Arriving just after sunset, the place was practically deserted, save for the pool. I had NO IDEA what I was gonna do! In my head, I'd like to get some cardio in, considering I have not been jogging for quite some time since I started work. Maybe a little chest, then abs, then a bit of a weight lifting with the dumbells. Then, before leaving I wanna jump into the pool.

What is the pool etiquette? Can I just wear shorts or am I required to wear tights? How deep is the deeper end of the gradient pool? Do I bring my change of clothes out to the pool or can I walk into the indoor changing room? Then I'd most probably be dripping wet! Owh no, I didnt bring flip flops - all I had was shoes! Shoes! Owh no, I didn't bring spare socks!
What's the etiquette in the changing room and locker room? Would it be weird if I were to be barefooted? Would it be offensive if I wore just towels into and out of the shower?
Thus, I hate going to the gym by myself. Those little things that some people find very natural is almost awkward for me! I ended up running on the treadmill for 45 minutes, showered awkwardly and then left. Would've been nice to have a company, no? I suppose I'll have to survive on my own. It's almost like an adventure - learning the etiquettes, the machines and the locations of facilities on my own! Looking forward to more blunders! hahahaha!