I hate doing things by myself - but at the same time it's an adventure

Yesterday was a fun day! The ending tho, was not so much. After a day out with my brother and sister - splurging out shopping for new 2014 wears, I decided - since I've already paid for it - to go to the gym. The thought of going by myself is unnerving - the only reassurance was that it is an exclusive gym and not many people joined. Furthermore, there are two distinct gym facilities - one outdoor for those hardcore muscle builders - the other indoor for the casual fitness.

Yeap. Not exactly as part of a new year resolution - I decided to go without that crap this year - I signed up for my first gym membership! Hoorraaahh!!! Kinesis Wellness @ Stampark Place is what I signed up for - with facilities including cardio equipments, strength equipments, fitness programs and group exercises, steam baths or sauna, hot shower, towels and lockers, member's lounge, rooftop garden aaaannnnddd three swimming pools (one kids wading pool, a gradient pool and an Olympic pool) complete with poolside facilities like the poolside cafe and function hall. 
 Arriving just after sunset, the place was practically deserted, save for the pool. I had NO IDEA what I was gonna do! In my head, I'd like to get some cardio in, considering I have not been jogging for quite some time since I started work. Maybe a little chest, then abs, then a bit of a weight lifting with the dumbells. Then, before leaving I wanna jump into the pool. 

So I went into the locker room, changed, put my stuffs away. Then the questions flood in. What are the gym ethics like here? Wait.. there's not instructions on the machines! The machines look different than those I'm used to. What do this machine do? And how do I operate that machine? Where is the bench press? 

What is the pool etiquette? Can I just wear shorts or am I required to wear tights? How deep is the deeper end of the gradient pool? Do I bring my change of clothes out to the pool or can I walk into the indoor changing room? Then I'd most probably be dripping wet! Owh no, I didnt bring flip flops - all I had was shoes! Shoes! Owh no, I didn't bring spare socks! 

What's the etiquette in the changing room and locker room? Would it be weird if I were to be barefooted? Would it be offensive if I wore just towels into and out of the shower? 

Thus, I hate going to the gym by myself. Those little things that some people find very natural is almost awkward for me! I ended up running on the treadmill for 45 minutes, showered awkwardly and then left. Would've been nice to have a company, no? I suppose I'll have to survive on my own. It's almost like an adventure - learning the etiquettes, the machines and the locations of facilities on my own! Looking forward to more blunders! hahahaha!