My reading list!!!

"The Notebook", "P.S. I Love You", "Harry Potter", "Lord of the Ring", "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo".. yeah these are all (quite) successful movies shown in the cinema over the years. Something you may or may not know is that these movies were based on novels of the same title. Yeah sure Harry Potter and LotR are famous (fine... I'll include Narnia and Twilight too.. uurrgghhh..) but whoever actually thought of reading Nicholas Sparks' The Notebook? Cecilia Ahern's P.S. I Love You? Bookworm much? hahaha! That's me!

On the right is part of my reading list. I've already read some of them : actually the one's I haven't read are The Girl Who Played with Fire, Angel in the Dark and Life of Pi.. Also The Hobbit! (I know some will bash me for this : I have yet to see the trilogy of LotR - saw bits n pieces but never the whole movie. I havent watched the Hobbit too. Buuuttt... I like to think of myself as having the privilege of reading the book first, let my imagination roam, and then watch the movie.)

There's actually some more on the shelf - one from Sophia Kinsella (author of the shopaholic series.... no? Confession of a Shopaholic? a.k.a. The Girl with the Green Scarf? OMG!!! LOL!!) I think another one from Tom Parson.. Dan Brown, author of Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, The Lost Symbol (brilliant books those are!!).

I don't read John Grisham (The Pelican Brief, The Juror? are among his famous novels turned into a movie) because it seems you need a brief knowledge of the law system in America(?) to be able to fully follow the storyline. Nor do I read the Bourne trilogy (bet u didn't know it was from a book). I don't read Narnia, or Twilight.. or The Hunger Games.

I'll want to own and read The Digital Fortress soon.. after I finish my current reading of The Girl Who Played with Fire.. Maybe I should read The Hobbit first, then the LotR Trilogy.. owh I should get the trilogy first.. but then Life of Pi is still somewhat fresh out the movies.. Owh I haven't even watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo yet.. heard there's 2 versions of the movies.. but then a friend told me Sidney Sheldon's novels are not longer published.. I should start collecting those too.. Nicholas Sparks novels are rolling out like river to the sea - I swear every visit to the bookstore there's always a new book by him.. OMG!! I'm a freak!! hahahahahaaaa!!

Yeap I read classics too. Though I'll admit that I get bored very easily reading classics.. (Mom has a two rows of 2 ft wide shelves dedicated to classics.. or was it three?) Generally because I know how the story goes from the many many movies aired on TV or in cinema. And the language is also a bit more complex I'd end up googling word definitions every few lines.. (If at this point you start assuming that my whole family likes to read, you're wrong.. I'm the only avid reader in the family - mom just loves to fill shelves with books)

Reading in itself is actually a form of art. I don't have friends who read as much as I do. In fact I don't think they read at all - excluding magazines and social network posts.. Dunno if they even read blogs! Love them just the same tho.. Aaaannnyyywwaaaaayyysss... (LOL?) there is an art in reading. I know some (like me) take their time to read.. every few pages of a book while waiting for an appointment or a date, or just as a company to a solitary coffee.. some readers tend to finish a book in just a few days.. some skim through the first time and then re-read thoroughly the second (or third) time.. then if you get the chance to actually see someone reading, there is this expression on the reader's face - of either pure concentration when he gets to the serious part of the storyline, sometimes a chuckle when a funny line is read.. I've even had misty eyes while reading too.. Like I said, in reading itself is an art, just as much as the material you're reading, is an art..

Owh wow look at that.. another long post.. I hope you'll be able to gain something from it. Reading is satisfying. It can be fun if you make it.. it can be sad, it can be challenging.. Try it.. pick up a book and read.