I AM BACK!!! (Once more!!! LOL!!!)

Wow.. I find it amazing that my blog is still alive.. hahaha! It's been 2 years and 4 days to the date since my previous post. I have to admit the motivation this time is the credit card design competition that Nuffnang is organizing. 

I was going to create a new blog when I stumbled upon this blog (yikes!!). I mean, c'mon.. U all have to admit at one point of your life u googled yourself, right? LOL!!

Skimming through the old posts, reading a few in particular (generally to see if any of them can backfire on my current situation - *double yikes!!*). Found none. (pssshhhh we all have skeletons in our closets. That's part of being human, yeah?) 

Anyways, my goodness.. I sure surprised myself. I had flare back then. Life! I've almost forgotten how to enjoy them. The ups and downs, being busy with work but still playing around with friends. Enjoying the moment while it lasts. In a way, I have to thank Nuffnang for indirectly reminding me who I once was. I needed that. *big hugs*

In any case, I'll start blogging again.. I suppose.. hahaha!